School Updates
In the course of school activities, Ukrainian School staff and parents will occasionally photograph or videotape students or make public their names, likenesses, or school work, for display or use to a public audience. Such exposure could occur in print, on TV, or by electronic means such as the Internet or social media. If you object to the foregoing exposure, please email as soon as possible. Unless you exclude your child from such exposure by opting out, we will assume we have your permission for the 2023-24 school year.
The Board of Directors of the School would like to inform all parents that from September 2024, the tuition for studying at the Taras Shevchenko School of Ukrainian Studies in Washington D.C. will be promoted. This decision was made due to the inflation and rising costs we have experienced in recent years. It is important to note that tuition prices have remained unchanged for the past three years.
We appreciate your support and understanding during this difficult time for all of us. We look forward to welcoming you and your children to the School of Ukrainian Studies at the beginning of the new school year.
Best regards,
The Board of Directors of the Taras Shevchenko School of Ukrainian Studies in Washington D.C.
School News
Taras Shevchenko observance 2024
The Schools’ Club works with 40 schools across London for the duration of the Theatre’s season.